Simple(r) Heath and fitness

This blog is targeted to the middle aged man or those approaching that find it harder than it used to be to stay in shape and feel heatlhy.  I believe most other people will find value as well, but I am writing to people like me.


About  me and why you might want to consider reading.

I am a man in my early 40s that stayed in reasonably decent shape first from habits I kept of working out and staying active after my military days.  As I got older, I found it harder to do so I started making changes to my diet and lifestyle.  Additionally, being a husband and a father, I have less time to work out so I had to figure out how to make it work without being able to dedicate as much time to it.

I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or trainer.  I am just an avid learning, reader, and podcast listener.  Think of me as a research assistant.  I hope to point you in the right direction, summarize things in an easy way to understand and take action on.

Most of my views I get from doctors that are practicing “functional medicine” where they research food and how it can be used to maximize health and there is real science behind it, but is could be quite different than most mainstream medical providers and your doctor.  I don’t claim to be smarter than the doctors out there, nor do I say you should disregard their instructions.  It is a good idea to consult with your doc before making any major changes, especially if you have any medical problems.  I simply want to share my experience, knowledge, and hopefully inspire you to further research for yourself.

Calories in vs. Calories out is NOT the full picture

Advice like "just eat less calories than you burn and you'll lose weight" is at best incomplete and at worst totally wrong and sabatoging your health. In some cases following this WILL allow you to lose weight.  In the long term though, you'll likely be less healthy...

Essential Nutrition 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Eating

Don't take my word on it.  Turst but verify.  I am not a doctor, a nutrionist, or otherwise a guru.  What I am is passionate and knowledgeable.  There are many points of views and differing opions.  I hope to inspire curiosity and to be a launch point in your own...

14 Essential Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Optimize for Mobile Ensure your website is mobile-friendly to cater to the growing number of mobile users. Use responsive designs and test regularly to improve user experience and SEO rankings. Create Business Profiles Maintain updated business profiles on directories...

11 Essential Steps to Launch Your Business in 2024

There's no time like the present to turn your business dreams into reality. Forbes Advisor's expert advice outlines 11 important steps to successfully launch your business in 2024. From determining your business concept to scaling your operations, this guide provides...

Is Entrepreneurship Right for You? Key Factors to Consider Before Starting Your Own Business

It's a pivotal question many aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves: "Should I start a business?" Before taking the leap into entrepreneurship, it's crucial to assess your readiness. This blog post highlights five key steps to help you determine if starting your own...